West Suffolk Local Plan: December 2020

Bury Society commented upon the West Suffolk Local Plan Review – Issues & Options Consultation document, saying we were generally supportive of its ambitions in as far as they relate to Bury St Edmunds.

We asked that the review takes into consideration the issues which are of most concern to our members, in particular, ensuring the town retains its status as a ‘go to’ location for shopping, entertainment, employment and education. We called for improving public transport links with the wider West Suffolk area including better rail links to Cambridge, Peterborough and Ipswich. We also sought assurances regarding the town’s protection of the town’s historic environment, especially within and adjoining the conservation areas. Also, careful monitoring of works to listed buildings particularly change of use of shops to homes and integrating improved insulation.

We asked for promotion of smaller independent retailers and market traders and actively encouraged new employment opportunities on the Suffolk Business Park. We called for it to be mandatory that all new homes meet GPDO 2021 national space standards and zero carbon emissions target by 2050, especially for conversion of commercial premises.

The Society asked the review to address the problems of town centre’s parking policy and the impact of increased traffic as well as moving forward the Town Centre Masterplan enhancement suggestions, including pedestrianisation of the town centre.


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