Summary of planning issues 2023-mid 24
Ed Thuell, our Planning Officer, summarised recent planning work at the 2024 AGM in June
Since taking on the role of Planning Officer at the 2023 AGM I have, with Peter Riddington, continued to review each month all applications submitted and decided within Bury St Edmunds. Whilst we review all applications, we look to comment on those that impacts Bury’s heritage assets and civic spaces. In doing so, we think its important to be constructive with these comments and do not seek to be obstructive or to just wave proposals through.
In doing this, over the course of the last year we have
Objected to
- Development on the Buttermaket due to the impact on the setting of listed buildings.
- Security cameras on private houses in the medieval grid.
- Unsympathetic conversion of commercial units to residential.
- New dwellings within the conservation area and the wider conservation area.
- Replacement of historic windows on listed buildings
- Unsympathetically positioned Solar Panels on listed buildings
- Outline proposals to land between Newmarket Road and Westley Road.

Perhaps of particular interest
- We have continued to comment on proposals at the Cornhill, specifically the significant lack of parking.
- We have commented on the proposed development on the old site of St James Middle School and raised concern over the nature of the proposals and their impact on the setting of the Abbey Precincts.
- Supported the revised scheme to redevelop the Old Shire Hall Magistrates.
- Supported repair works to the Railway Station.
- Commented and added our views to the conversation on the proposed development on Kings Road, backing onto Jacqueline Close.
I am pleased to say that across the course of the year we have seen applications amended and decided taking accounts of our comments, which is pleasing to see and demonstrates that hopefully our comments continue to be of value!

On top of this we have also had the pleasure of reviewing draft consultation of the new proposed West Suffolk Local Plan. This is a new document that when adopted by West Suffolk will dictate the planning policy and how development and applications are considered and decided within Bury St Edmunds and the wider District.
As part of our initial comments we felt that Overall the plan has a lot of good in it. It is particularly strong on policies that could be described as development control, indeed most of the plan is devoted to this. However, the plan is completely missing any real vision for the future and aspiration of how West Suffolk could make this beautiful historic town both more enjoyable and rewarding for those who live, work and visit it. There is no policy to help in the better understand and appreciate our historic and ‘natural’ environment and no policies which set out how enhancement will be reached.
This plan is a rare opportunity to set out a true vison for the future where there are real tangible improvements to our beautiful town and this document, sadly at this stage fails to take it. So whilst the plan will not adversely affect the status quo, it does lack aspiration and does not robustly challenge, or put in place enough to positively promote the town of Bury St Edmunds. The consultation for the Local Plan has now re-opened and there will be further opportunity to review and respond to the updated Plan, under its next phase of consultation, which is open until March 2025.
Looking forward we shall continue to monitor and respond to applications across the town and comment in the same manner. We hope that this year will bring a resolution to the Cornhill development, we are also aware that we may see more detailed proposals for the new hospital and the possibility of changes to the brewery may start to appear.