Planning Update December 2022
There have been numerous planning applications since the last Planning Review, some large and some small. The Bury Society commented on most of the more significant proposals and several schemes have been revised as a result. It has also commented on plans for several prominent developments along Tayfen Road within the previously adopted Master Plan.
One of the most significant proposals has been the plans for a New Hospital on the open parkland behind the existing hospital and for the replacement of much of the existing hospital with car parking. The Bury Society supported the plans to provide a regional scale hospital facility and gave further support to various subsequent refinements to the original proposals.
Another significant proposal has been the revisions to the plans to redevelop Cornhill Walk which had been dismissed at appeal. The new scheme reduces the massing and height of the new buildings, provides a more domestic scale to the elevations facing Well Street and Short Brackland and includes a central glazed atrium facing the Butter Market.
The Bury Society objected to a proposed Animal Feed Mill on British Sugar land between Compiegne Way and the Recycling Centre on Fornham Road because of the potential visual impact but it supported the potential benefit to the local economy. It suggested that the base for the feed mill should be lowered and earth banks should be created along Fornham Road.
The Bury Society supported the proposed “light touch” conversion of the Magistrates Courts to provide seven apartments within the existing historic structure. The two distinctive court rooms would be incorporated. There would be little change to the external appearance of this significant Listed Building and the existing triangular car park would be tidied up.
Detailed plans have recently been submitted for the proposed Abbots Vale urban extension between Rougham Hill and Sicklesmere Road which was given outline permission some years ago. The Bury Society has referred the plans that would affect the River Lark Corridor to the Bury Water Meadows Group and the River Lark Catchment Partnership for comment.