Newsletters from the 1970’s

The oldest surviving newsletters that we have on file are 1973, ’74 and ’75

The Bury Society has an archive of documents and these were recently examined as part of our 50 years celebration. The earliest newsletter that still survives is Newsletter 4, from April 1973. This two page document has information on issues of the day including the Moreton Hall Development.

Click here to download a pdf of Newsletter 4, 1973

The next newsletter is Newsletter 5, from January 1974. This three page document has information on issues of that period, more on Moreton Hall and the change of chairman.

Click here to download a pdf of newsletter 5 , January 1974

The final newsletter from this early survival is Newsletter 6, from January 1975. This three page document has information on the society and issues of that year, yet more on Moreton Hall, Town Centre and Brentgovel Street.

Click here to download a pdf of newsletter 6, January 1975


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