Architectural Merit Award
Each year the Society presents an Architectural Merit Award for a building which we consider has made a positive contribution to the town’s street scene. It should also demonstrate a local context and a high quality of design

The award can be for an individual property large or small or a group of buildings. It can be for a new-build project or for a refurbishment. It can even be for an open area of soft and hard landscaping. The development should have been completed within the preceding year and be clearly visible from public view. The process of selection starts with suggestions from members which the committee reduces to a short list and then a final winner. There can be more than one award or no award at all.
Recent winners have included the refurbishment of a 1960s former police hostel on Maynewater Lane, the makeover of a design studio on St John’s Street, conversion of offices into apartments on Long Brackland, a new-build infill house on Chalk Road and a new teaching block for West Suffolk College.
The award is presented at the Society’s AGM when a certificate is presented to the property owner, the architect and the contractor.